CMPS is currently developing a curriculum which follows the National Curriculum and uses Gareth Metcalf - Skills progression to ensure that the knowledge learned is built on year by year along with our curriculum vision.
In the interim you can see our curriculum in action through our Instagram and Twitter feeds.
Curriculum VisionOur Equality objective 2019 – 2021 Identify opportunities in the curriculum to look at other cultures/countries, study famous people from ethnic minorities and with a variety of abilities and to celebrate diversity. Use class collective worship / assembly as an opportunity to celebrate festivals of a range of cultures and countries. Use major world events as an opportunity to explore other cultures.
Our research into the curriculum is derived from the voice of our children, staff and community. We met and discussed our curriculum over the whole of last year and developed our ideas from the ideals of all who participated, as well as some professional research. Key to our development is the core values and ethos of the school - Belong, Believe, Become - as well as our three school rules of be safe, be ready and be respectful.
We aim to build our curriculum realising...