Choosing the right school is a very important decision for a parent.
At Combe Martin we like to meet prospective parents so that a member of our staff can take you around the school and discuss school life at Combe Martin School. You can ring the School Office and make an appointment to meet the Headteacher and to discuss your child's educational needs.
Applications are administered by Devon Local Authority. If you would like your child to attend Combe Martin School please see the Devon Local Authority Web Page. This will give you all the information you will need to apply to our school.
For further advice you can either speak to our school administrative staff on 01271 883226 or the Local Authority's Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019.
Combe Martin Primary School is a member of the Alumnis Multi Academy Trust which is the admissions authority, responsible for the admissions policies and decisions on applications for admission. We have an admissions policy for each academic year. They are written to comply with the School Admissions Code and School Admissions Appeals Code. We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council.
Applying to come here
Once you decide you would like a place in Reception or at any other time after this, you must make a formal application. You can do this by applying to the Local Authority and not directly to the school. A fresh application must be made for children who are attending our Nursery. Applications for nursery places are made directly to the school. Please see further information on our Nursery page.
For the Normal Round intake into school, children are offered places to start in Reception at the beginning of the September term after their fourth birthday. Children who are admitted to a vacancy at any time after this point are called 'In-Year' Admissions.
The Local Authority
Devon County Council publishes information about admissions and its own policies to support the admissions application and appeals process. This is at
Applications can be made online at or by using the forms available at
The appeals process is detailed at
For questions about your child joining the school or just about the admissions process in general, please don’t hesitate to contact the school direct or contact Devon School Admissions Service on 0345 155 1019 or by email to
Our Admissions Policies
You can find our admissions policies below - we review the school policy annually and may make changes if we feel this would be in the best interests of the school and our community.
Each academic year has its own policy document, with details about how to apply for a place in school from the start of [Reception] through to [Year 6].
Consultations for admission during 2025/26 are now open. Please follow this link to view the admission policy.