Welcome to Starfish
Thursday 12th September 2024
Dear parents/carers,
I hope you had a wonderful summer with your children and made lots of fantastic memories. I have been looking forward to welcoming back the Year 1 children and we are all excited about having the new Reception children in Starfish class. We have lots more exciting things planned for this year and are looking forward to another fantastic year.
Class information
Your child’s teaching team comprises of:
Class Teacher- Mrs Harper
Support staff- Mrs Rumson
Music Specialist- Mrs Mortlock
PE Teacher: Mrs Seddon
PE will be on Mondays
We will be having a daily phonics lesson, following the ‘Little Wandle’ phonics programme. The Year 1 children will be going to Jellyfish class for this with Mrs Lewis (accompanied by Mrs Rumson) and I will be working with the Reception children. We also have a daily English lesson, the Year 1 children will begin by looking at sentence structure and once the Reception children have settled we will be taking part in an exciting new venture - ‘Drawing Club’. We will be reading three times a week and books will be changed on a Friday, please have book bags in every day. Children will also bring home a ‘Love reading’ book - which is a book for you to read to them and share your love of reading.
In Maths Reception children will begin their maths journey by learning about sorting and matching, patterns and the numbers 1,2 and 3. Year 1 children will focus on place value and addition and subtraction to 10. In History we will be studying changes within living memory by looking at how local shops have changed in use. In Art we have a focus on spirals and in Spanish we will be learning to sing Spanish nursery rhymes!
General information
Our free bagel and book club begins promptly at 8.30.
The gate will open at 8.40 and the school day begins at 8.45. Gates will be shut at 8.55.
Full school uniform must be worn, including a school jumper or cardigan with our logo and black shoes. On PE days, full PE kit is to be worn to school. Long hair must be tied up.
Please ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle and warm waterproof coat every day. Don’t forget to label all items!
Dates for your diary
12th September 2.40, Parent Welcome meeting
1st October 2.45, Whole School open book session
14th October 2pm, Harvest Celebration at St Peter's Church
21st - 24th October, Parent Consultation week
25th October, Non pupil Day
28th October - 1st November, Half Term
I am looking forward to spending this half-term with your child. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns,
Kind regards, Debbie Harper