The Importance of provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities

Combe Martin School is a mainstream school who believe that everyone has the right to be educated and be part of our school community. We are committed to the promotion of equality and diversity. In so doing, we realise the valuable contribution, which all members of the school community can make to our school.

The number of children with SEND needs at CM School fluctuates, however, normally around 20% of the children have been deemed to have a special educational need or disability of one kind or another. Children have a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty, which requires additional or specific provision to be put in place for them.


The curriculum and learning environment

Every child at Combe Martin will access high quality teaching which takes account of pupil’s differing needs. We are proud of our unique curriculum throughout the school which allows children to learn in a variety of ways, become independent learners, thrive in areas of strength and gain confidence in areas of weakness. Where appropriate the curriculum will be adapted and reasonable adjustments will be made to meet the range of special educational needs in our school. Where children are in need of additional support, where possible this will be provided within the classroom setting to allow for full inclusion, it may also be given through small group sessions in addition to their usual classroom provision.

Teachers and teaching assistants will provide a personalised approach in line with a child’s individual ‘My Plan’ or EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan). As a school we will endeavour to secure the special educational provision required by the child.

School trips are an important part of a child’s education we make every effort to provide these opportunities to every child in our school. Where necessary we will seek support of parents or other appropriate adults to support children with SEND to partake in school trips as well as extracurricular activities. Our very best efforts will be made to ensure all children can fully contribute to every aspect of school life.


Accessibility of our school

Our school is an older building with some challenges for children with mobility difficulties. Our hall is only accessible via stairs and there are a varying number of stairs and doorway thresholds to navigate to access all classrooms.. Our computer suite is on the same level as the hall. The playground is accessible via a slope.

Should any additional equipment or services be require the SENDCo / Head teacher work together to secure this where necessary.


Accessibility Plan Final Copy 2022-2023

Click here to download a copy


Supporting the overall well-being of children with SEND

Supporting children's well being is of paramount importance.  All staff at our school work hard to support the well-being of every child; within the classroom we have a ‘reflective area’ or safe area where children can have a moment to themselves, share concerns and worries with their peers or members of staff. We have a caring and honest relationship with all children and ensure there are opportunities for children to talk to adults for support.  The head teacher / SENDCo share information with our Early Help team on a weekly basis, or when relevant, to provide a holistic approach for children and parents.

Parental Involvement

The role of parents and carers is very important and we seek to support the partnership between school and home. Parents are encouraged to become involved or are included in their child’s learning.


Complaints procedures:

If you have a complaint, please first go to your child’s class teacher, if your complaint is not resolved, please speak to the Headteacher.



Master SEND information report Combe Martin.docx



Roles and Responsibilities in Our School

Head Teacher: Mrs D Seddon

SENDCo: Georgina Parsons

SEND LSC member: Ms Amanda Jayne Brown


Local Offer within Devon

CMS is committed to ensuring all children have the best possible start to life, some children may need additional support through their education. To support schools and parents in Devon County Council provide a ‘Local Offer’ which can be found via the link below. The Local Offer website provides information and access to a range of services for children and young people between the ages of 0-25 years.


The Devon Local Offer

Devon’s SEND Local Offer is the education, health and social care services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25.




At School we will be able to talk to you about your concern and tell you how we are making provision for your child. We have a comprehensive programme of interventions available and your class teacher will be able to discuss this with you.

Numbers count

FFT Reading Recovery

Transition activities to support movement in class or between schools.

Providing an individualised curriculum

Nurture and mental health based learning

Additional PE

Additional emotional development based outdoor learning

Talk Boost EY to KS2

Teacher taught guided sessions

TA supervised guided sessions

Attachment Mentoring

Time to Talk

SALT programmes

Spelling (through Decision Spelling)

Art therapy

Dance therapy

Play Therapy - volunteer led

Funfit (this has to be provided if we need to refer to OT

Counting to Calculate

Toe by Toe

Word Wasp

Reading Hornet

Number intervention +1, Power of 2


The sensory room

Dyslexia Screening - will be available with the screening tools, when available.

Gross motor / fine motor provision

Handwriting support

*Interventions will need to be provided by teacher or TA in available time.


Strategic Class actions

Whole class Boxall Profile

MAT strategic Offer

Dyslexia Diagnosis

Devon Enhanced Language Programme

Thrive Practitioner

Blanks Levels - training to be given by CD


Areas School is exploring further to meet need

Devon Enhanced Language Training


Emotional Logic (Training and support through Babcock)

Right Dance

Lego therapy

You can also visit the Devon information Pages for further information...

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