Welcome to Seals

Thursday 5th September 2024

Dear parents/carers,

Hello and welcome back to school. I hope you all had a great Summer Break and are ready for the new school year. I am really looking forward to working with you and your children this year.


Class information

Your child’s teaching team comprises of:

Class Teacher- Mr Guyler Mrs Adams (Fridays)

Support staff- Mrs Lake

Music Specialist- Mrs Mortlock

PE Teacher: Mr Poole

PE will be on Thursdays


English In our writing lessons we will work on autobiographies, discursive writing, poetry, first person stories, Shakespeare sonnets and explanatory texts. In our reading lessons we will be reading the fantastic book ''The Final Year” by Matt Goodfellow who will be visiting the class towards the end of September to lead a workshop with the class.

Maths The children will be working on a range of mathematics this term, we will begin by working on Place Value (recognising numbers, counting, understanding the value of numbers, placing numbers in order), we will then move onto working on Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division and Fractions. In their Friday maths lessons with Mrs Adams the children will be working on Geometry.

Science we will be studying animals and living things.

History and Geography Our History topic  for the Autumn term is based on Ancient Greece. Through this project we will be studying Ancient Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. After half term we will start a geography topic where we will be studying the location of countries of the world, including biomes and environmental regions. All the subjects taught after lunch will be in a combined class with the Puffins (Year 5).


General information

Our free bagel and book club begins promptly at 8.30.

The gate will open at 8.40 and the school day begins at 8.45. Gates will be shut at 8.55.

Full school uniform must be worn, including a school jumper or cardigan with our logo and black shoes. On PE days, full PE kit is to be worn to school. Long hair must be tied up.

Please ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle and warm waterproof coat every day. Don’t forget to label all items!


Dates for your diary

10th September 2:40 -3:10 Parent Welcome meeting

1st October, Whole School open book session

14th October, Harvest Celebration at St Peter's Church

21st - 24th October, Parent Consultation week

28th October - 1st November, Half Term


Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions in person or via dojo.


Mr Guyler and Mrs Adams